Monday, March 03, 2008

Zen & The Art of Cracking PJ

There will always be debate whether Great “PJayers” are born or made. If you happen to meet any such “PJayer“, you would never be asking that question again. If you are still in dilemma, then, hang-on a bit, you would know. Let me make things easier for some buddying “PJayers” (As if I’m the greatest ‘un). Great “PJayers” are born with this superlative skill. And let me tell you…..most of you already have it embedded in you (you just need to hone your skills and find a coterie, that would not banish you for your initial hiccups).

On the hind side, people who have always considered themselves to be on the lower rung of “PJness” ladder shouldn’t feel bad. You always have a chance to germinate this greatness in the tiniest of your living tissues. All you need is a sense of confidence, endurance and a bit (not even a Byte [bad one ‘huh]) of humor. I’m sure with your daily dose of humiliation, among the best (and not so best) of your friends, you would come out to be a real gem. And, if you are still not able to cope with the strong competition posed by all the buddying “PJayers” of your group!! be calm & quite till you find your savior.

Having said that, it becomes my earnest duty to tell all the “PJay” practitioners, who are striving to reach the top, few salient points about “how to crack those quick ones”. It might sound a bit complicated, in reality…. it is COMPLICATED. Before we start with the hands on, let me throw some pointers on the characteristics of a GOOD PJ.

1. “PJays” are serious thoughts.

2. “PJays” are seriously ILLOGICAL, but, convey the ambiguity in the plain logic.

3. “PJays” are furtive. They are like those stinkers which make their presence felt in a big gathering, without anyone noticing the source of them.

4. The effectiveness of any “PJay can be accessed by looking at the expression exuded by its listeners. More the laughing faces, the bad is your “PJay“.

5. “PJays” are short. In physical terms, humor generated by a “PJay” is inversely proportional to the length of the “PJay. A word of caution, there might be some side effects (like “PJayer” getting a harsh/physical treatment) if the length is increased beyond a certain point. Try with small ones like “Ramu is very happy today, his kid started speaking A B C D in english”.

Alrighty!! enough of theory now. I’m sure all the initiators must be raring to get their hands dirty. Here’s what you need to do on your first “conscious” attempt to “PJaying“.

1. Wear some bump protecting gear, like two/three pair of trousers or a superman kit. That would really help if anything goes wrong.

2. Have few dozen chocolates in your pockets, so that, you could always spill them to save your soul when you, kind of, violate the limit of patience of your buddies.

3. Try to crack your initial “PJays” in OPEN, that would give you ample space to run away, in case you shockingly surprise your peers.

All the above points would make you fairly secure to go full on to crack, crackle-crackle, your “PJays“. When you succeed to make initial in-roads into the psyche of your buddies, you would gain some confidence. This is a critical juncture of your practice. Treat this confidence as your support and do not get over confident (it could just be the generosity of your friends, that they didn’t really beat you up). Like they say,”Slow and Study Wins The Race”. Try increasing the count of your “PJays” by 2 on a daily basis. I’m sure with a bit of Gods grace you would see yourself through. And when you are through this phase, you would have earned yourself a reputation which would surpass the wildest of your imagination. Now, is the time to unleash your wittiest & wackiest ones.

I guess this much of assistance should suffice to head start your journey to perfection.
I hope with a bit of caution and innovation you would conquer the worst of difficulties to come out a real “PJayer“.

Remember!! “it requires a PJayer to be a PJayer” (what does that mean??), it means “it requires a PJayer to be a PJayer”. You can’t be “Atal Bihari Vajpayee” to speak like “Lalu Prasad Yadav”. To speak like Lalu you have to BE Lalu. (wow! that was a heavy one). On a serious note, being someone is different from acting someone, and thats where lies the success.

Till then, live the possibility of being a “PJayer“.

1 comment:

  1. Great effort (infact successfull effort) of making a downtrodden group of pepole (Pjayer's group & society) feeling good and boosting them UP...
    Sanjay Babuuu Jinda Baad !!
    Sanjay Babuuuu Maze aa Gaye !!
